The Vagus Nerve Workshop

Feb 11, 2024
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

What is it? Why might we want to strengthen it? And how do we do that?

The vagus nerve is certainly getting a lot of attention these days. This workshop is designed to give you a clear understanding of the function of the vagus nerve and its role in our parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system. We touch on anatomy, heart rate variability, poly vagal theory and more.

There will be some lecture, and the essence of the workshop will be learning and experiencing a variety of practices aimed at increasing vagal tone.

These practices will include:

Breathwork | Meditation and Visualization | Gentle Movement | Self Massage | Vocal Toning | Eye Movement Exercises

Comfortable clothing recommended.


Thrive Yoga Crested Butte is a space for all of us to thrive as individuals as well as a community. Practices That Are Inclusive & Integral.