The Fifth Gunnison Sage-Grouse Summit
The Gunnison Sage-Grouse Summit will feature a presentation from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on the species’ progress toward recovery as well as an update from Colorado Parks and Wildlife on population trends and targets.
These presentations will be followed by a series of workshops and panels focused on successes, roadblocks, and future ideas for implementation of the Gunnison Sage-grouse Recovery Strategy.
We will also hear research updates from a broad range of scientists on topics including genetics, fire ecology, livestock grazing, conifer treatments, cheatgrass, wetland restoration, and more. Management practices and perspectives from the ranching community are also a focus of sessions, as well as community partnerships reaching across traditional boundaries to accelerate the recovery of the species.
Local engagement in Gunnison Sage-Grouse conservation is another key theme of this year’s summit, and we invite all interested members of the public to participate.
The Summit will include a World Café-style conversation on how we can better involve local communities in sage-grouse recovery. The conversation will be followed by dinner, an awards ceremony, and a creative celebration of the Gunnison Sage-Grouse.
Directions to the Conference: The conference will take place in the University Ballroom located on the second floor of the University Center. You can find more detailed directions here. Please also check out our campus map.
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