River Raft Guide Training Course

Three Rivers Outfitting has been offering Raft Guide Training for over 25 years.

The 2022 will be held from May 23rd – June 3rd. Participants are encouraged to participate in both Raft Guide Training as well as the River Rescue Course (RRC).

This intense course is held in both classroom and river environments and is recommended for those seriously interested in guiding commercially in Colorado. Classes are from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm each day, unless otherwise noted.

After completing the course, participants will meet the bare minimum requirements to commercially guide rafts in Colorado.

Before taking commercial trips trainees must also take a ‘check-out’ run with an instructor in the raft before guiding paying customers on their own. We strive to put our safest guides on the river with our customers. Additional practice beyond the raft course is mandatory if you wish to guide commercially at Three Rivers. Once the course is complete, guide trainees are invited to hone their skills on our commercial trips that go out twice daily.

Completion of the course does not guarantee employment but if you successfully complete the course and have the desire to guide commercially, we will give you every opportunity to join our guide team.

Since you will be working in a resort environment, there are plenty of resort jobs available as well if you would like to supplement your guide work with other jobs (see above). If needed, you can check out gear for the entire class: PFD (personal flotation device), neoprene booties, splash top/bottom, wet suit. After the class, you will need to purchase your own gear in order to guide.

Three Rivers Resort just south of Crested Butte CO, offers lodging, guided rafting, guided fishing and a full restaurant.