Movie: Gran Turismo

Based on the unbelievable, inspiring true story of a team of underdogs – a struggling, working-class gamer, a failed former race car driver, and an idealistic motorsport exec – who risk it all to take on the most elite sport in the world.

Showing at 4:00 pm nd 7:15 pm.


The Majestic Theatre - Crested Butte, shows Hollywood blockbuster movies with organic snacks, a full bar and the occasional cult classic.

Movie: Gran Turismo

Based on the unbelievable, inspiring true story of a team of underdogs – a struggling, working-class gamer, a failed former race car driver, and an idealistic motorsport exec – who risk it all to take on the most elite sport in the world.

Showing at 4:00 pm nd 7:15 pm.


The Majestic Theatre - Crested Butte, shows Hollywood blockbuster movies with organic snacks, a full bar and the occasional cult classic.

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