Morning Crosstraining with Meriska Koekemoer at Synergy Athlete

Start your morning with a great crosstraning workout.

Strength and muscular training two to three times per week can help prevent or manage a number of chronic diseases and conditions:

* Osteoporosis: One of the most direct benefits of regular muscular training is increased bone mineral density, which may reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Studies have shown a 1 to 3% increase in bone mineral density.
* Cardiovascular disease: Improved body composition is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
*Brain Health: Studies have shown that strength training improves cognitive functions such as; memory, focus, conflict resolution, mood balance, and heightened self-confidence.


Synergy Athlete is the premier strength and conditioning facility in the Gunnison Valley and the first CrossFit Affiliate in the region.