Graceland Run at Hartman Rocks

May 13, 2023
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

(7.1 miles (+974’), all on single track trails and dirt roads.)


Course: A run from New McCabe’s trailhead, out Sandy Wash to Scary Hill Road then loop around Gateway
trail to Josie’s and onto Graceland and then return to the start. Great trails through the sagebrush and rocky
outcroppings of Hartman Rocks.
Distance: 7.1 miles (+974’), all on single track trails and dirt roads.
Meet: At the McCabe’s Lane New trailhead at Hartman Rocks. Take Hwy 50 west from Gunnison for 2.5
miles, then turn south and follow McCabe’s Lane (County Road 32) for 1.5 miles and the New trailhead will be
on the left (.25 miles past the old TH).

Run info and Map HERE


Crested Butte Mountain Runners organize a series of trail runs starting in mid May and ending in early October.