Dumb Logic Show Opening Reception

Feb 9, 2024
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Join us for the opening reception of Dumb Logic to celebrate the participating artists. Featuring a robust bar menu and a chance to mingle with the artists. Plus, we hope you will join us for an artist talk by Mark Dineen at 6pm.

Dumb Logic represents the most current iteration of an ongoing, sculptural collaboration Mark Dineen and Eleanor Sabin began in 2019. Their collaborative process is flexible and iterative; common forms, materials, and symbols are reused and reworked into new sculptures, creating an evolving but self-referential body of work as this series progresses.

Dumb Logic uses the conceptual framework of the American landscape to investigate ways in which globalism has influenced our surroundings both domestically and environmentally. Specifically, as we become increasingly removed from the origins of objects that we use to construct our identities, we are also distancing ourselves from the peoples, cultures, and environments that produce these objects. As a result, a sense of detachment seeps out of the complex global frameworks required for these objects to even exist, leaving us with an uneasy combination of anxiety and awe.

With this latest body of work Mark and Eleanor are exploring the output, infrastructure, and material implications of our global capitalist system as they manifest inside and outside the American home. Their work combines common materials – foam, paper clay, plywood, 2×4’s, cardboard, etc. – with more specialized materials like gold leaf and cast bronze. The forms, some of which reflect Roman amphorae, common plants, Colorado landscapes, and styrofoam packaging taken from the boxes of consumer goods, are arranged based on content rather than by creator in order to create a more seamless dialogue throughout the gallery.


Center for the Arts strives to enrich and engage the community by fostering artistic expression and cultural experiences in Crested Butte.