The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the most successful interconnected film series to ever exist, but at the turn of the century, they were crawling their way back from bankruptcy. Dave Gonzales, co-author of MCU The Reign of Marvel Studios, outlines how Marvel Studios cracked the formula for turning seemingly lackluster intellectual property into profitable blockbuster…
Join Trailhead Children’s Museum for a very special bookmaking workshop for kids ages 6 – 8. Create an ever-expanding book! These unique literary creations unfold, open, and unfold some more to reveal your own stories, illustrations, and more! All young artists will take home their very own handmade ever-expanding book. Not included in festival pass.…
David Quammen has written 18 books, the latest being The Heartbeat of the Wild which is drawn from his 20 years writing about wild creatures and wild places on assignments for National Geographic Magazine. In this talk with Hampton Sides, Quammen will discuss his career and physical journeys, amid some of the most spectacular wild…
Rebecca Boyle will read and sign her national bestselling book, Our Moon: How Earth’s Celestial Companion Transformed the Planet, Guided Evolution, and Made Us Who We Are. “Boyle walks the reader through a history of both Earth and humanity, from the formation of our planet and the evolution of life to the development of civilization,…
Crested Butte Arts Festival hosts The Black Canyon Ramblers today on the Elk Avenue Stage. The Black Canyon Ramblers The Black Canyon Ramblers(TM) band is based out of the Gunnison Valley of Colorado, home to one of the most spectacular geological formations in the United States: the Black Canyon. The Ramblers specialize in traditional bluegrass,…
Throw away your deodorant and let’s get stoked for winter with the 7th ever Sweaty Kids Film Festival! Sweaty Kids is a celebration of unprofessional local talent, artistically and athletically. Come watch a wide array of outdoor “edits” (mini-movies) representing the sportsperson’s paradise that is the Gunnison Valley. Catch your favorite locals doing their thing…
Colorado Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is throwing the biggest Public Lands Party of the Year May 17th – 19th to celebrate Colorado Public Lands Day! Festivities will include Live Music, Great Prizes, Vendors, Onsite Camping, Food, Beverages, Bonfires and Camaraderie – all on tap for this event! May 17 @ 3:00 pm – May 19…
Colorado Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is throwing the biggest Public Lands Party of the Year May 17th – 19th to celebrate Colorado Public Lands Day! Festivities will include Live Music, Great Prizes, Vendors, Onsite Camping, Food, Beverages, Bonfires and Camaraderie – all on tap for this event! May 17 @ 3:00 pm – May 19…
Carnival dates are July 3 – 6. Opens daily mid-afternoon until late evening. No carnival tickets sold online. Cash or check only. Pre-sale carnival tickets will be sold at the ticket booth when the booth opens on June 27. The tickets will be available until sold out. We have a limited number to sell at…
Nestled deep in the beautiful Kootenay mountains of Western Canada lies the home of Moontricks, a duo whose timeless sound captures the essence of their rugged roots. Combining their love of folk, blues, and electronic music, Nathan Gurley and Sean Rodman are blazing their own trail, birthing an authentically raw and seductive sound infusing grassroots…