Join us for a relaxing aerial yoga session in nature! This slower-paced practice will involve yoga hammocks and focus on breathing, inversions, meditation, sound healing, and reiki. Suitable for all ages, this practice aims to release tension and align your mind by focusing on each chakra energy center. Classes may be adjusted due to weather.…
Join us for a relaxing aerial yoga session in nature! This slower-paced practice will involve yoga hammocks and focus on breathing, inversions, meditation, sound healing, and reiki. Suitable for all ages, this practice aims to release tension and align your mind by focusing on each chakra energy center. Classes may be adjusted due to weather.…
Join us for a relaxing aerial yoga session in nature! This slower-paced practice will involve yoga hammocks and focus on breathing, inversions, meditation, sound healing, and reiki. Suitable for all ages, this practice aims to release tension and align your mind by focusing on each chakra energy center. Classes may be adjusted due to weather.…
Join us for a relaxing aerial yoga session in nature! This slower-paced practice will involve yoga hammocks and focus on breathing, inversions, meditation, sound healing, and reiki. Suitable for all ages, this practice aims to release tension and align your mind by focusing on each chakra energy center. Classes may be adjusted due to weather.…
Roundtable Conversation about Free Energy Upgrades during the Equitable Access Day of Welcoming Week on September 18, 6-8 pm Are you struggling staying warm in the winter? Are your energy bills too high? GV-HEAT can help income-qualified homes with free energy upgrade programs. Join us for a Roundtable Conversation on Wednesday, September 18 between 6-8…
Join us for a relaxing aerial yoga session in nature! This slower-paced practice will involve yoga hammocks and focus on breathing, inversions, meditation, sound healing, and reiki. Suitable for all ages, this practice aims to release tension and align your mind by focusing on each chakra energy center. Classes may be adjusted due to weather.…
What does Crested Butte’s future look and feel like to you? As part of the Town of Crested Butte Community Plan, join this interactive in-person workshop to sketch the alternative futures, or build outs, for Crested Butte. Please share your ideas on the future look and feel of Crested Butte, such as: where could more…
What does Crested Butte’s future look and feel like to you? As part of the Town of Crested Butte Community Plan, join this interactive in-person workshop sketch the alternative futures, or build outs, for Crested Butte. Please share your ideas on the future look and feel of Crested Butte, such as: where could more affordable…
What does Crested Butte’s future look and feel like to you? As part of the Town of Crested Butte Community Plan, join this interactive in-person workshop to sketch the alternative futures, or build outs, for Crested Butte. Please share your ideas on the future look and feel of Crested Butte, such as: where could more…
Join us at the Pirate Park and march down Elk to Anthracite Spirits to show Crested Butte we want to do everything we can to curb climate change. There will be appetizers, beverages for purchase and live music and speakers at Anthracite Spirits.