Mental Health Mondays at The ‘Mont. Come enjoy a laid-back evening by our warm firepits, with a hot bevvie in hand, s’mores on deck, and great company. Let’s make our Mondays cozier and prioritize our mental health this winter, together. Take te free RTA Bus and get off at the Almont stop.
Mental Health Mondays at The ‘Mont. Come enjoy a laid-back evening by our warm firepits, with a hot bevvie in hand, s’mores on deck, and great company. Let’s make our Mondays cozier and prioritize our mental health this winter, together. Take te free RTA Bus and get off at the Almont stop.
Mental Health Mondays at The ‘Mont. Come enjoy a laid-back evening by our warm firepits, with a hot bevvie in hand, s’mores on deck, and great company. Let’s make our Mondays cozier and prioritize our mental health this winter, together. Take te free RTA Bus and get off at the Almont stop.
Mental Health Mondays at The ‘Mont. Come enjoy a laid-back evening by our warm firepits, with a hot bevvie in hand, s’mores on deck, and great company. Let’s make our Mondays cozier and prioritize our mental health this winter, together. Take te free RTA Bus and get off at the Almont stop.
Mental Health Mondays at The ‘Mont. Journaling is good for the heart & soul. Join us for a quiet night of taking time and space for yourself, finding gratitude. We have journals available so you can take your thoughts and our handwritten prompts home with you.
Mental Health Mondays at The ‘Mont. Come enjoy a laid-back evening by our warm firepits, with a hot bevvie in hand, s’mores on deck, and great company. Let’s make our Mondays cozier and prioritize our mental health this winter, together. Take te free RTA Bus and get off at the Almont stop.
Eat, dance, drink, chat, and celebrate winter at the Center for the Arts to help us get more kids on snow! Join Crested Butte Snowsports Foundation for live music at 6 PM with heavy appetizers, dessert, and a short program celebrating snowsports in the Gunnison Valley and honoring Olympic Hometown Hero Aaron Blunck. Then, join…
Join us for member-only kickoff on Friday, 11/8 from 4 – 8 PM and then doors will be open to the public Saturday, 11/9 from 9 AM – noon. See gear drop-off and event schedule.
Join us for member-only kickoff on Friday, 11/8 from 4 – 8 PM and then doors will be open to the public Saturday, 11/9 from 9 AM – noon. See gear drop-off and event schedule.
In less than two hours, you can learn how to stop a life-threatening bleed. Join Gunnison Valley Health for this free class! A person can bleed to death in five minutes. Learn the skills to save a life! Over 2 million people have taken the Stop the Bleed Class. The class is an hour long…