Free coffee and pastries with the City of Gunnison! Join us for a presentation and Q&A!
Teachers from Kissidugu Foundation, Etienne Tolno & Mami Sayon Camara will teach a West African Drum class & Dance class on the Outdoor Stage ( by soccer field), CFTA Drum 4-5pm and Dance 5-6pm at outdoor stage, CFTA. $20/class We were so blessed to have Etienne and Mami teach us the dance and drumming for…
This inclusive dance experience features Gunnison Valley adults and celebrates many dance styles. Move the Butte 2023 returns on February 23rd, 24th, and 25th! The CB Dance Collective’s wildly creative signature production showcases over 100 local adult choreographers and dancers of all levels. This year’s innovative show will happen at the CB Center for the…
‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the store, each department was dripping with Yuletide decor. Sophia was nestled all snug in her bed, while visions of sugar prunes danced in her head. Before traveling to spend the Holidays with their families, Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose participate in a golden gift exchange full of…
A quintet from the Colorado Brass comes to CB on December 22 for some rousing holiday favorites! Bring the whole family to hear the bright sounds of the season echo through the halls. Colorado Brass is the state’s premier British-style brass band. The ensemble is comprised of thirty brass players and percussionists from all over…
Get ready to belt it out, or sit back and enjoy the best bad singers of the Butte. This time – we are doing it spooky style! We will be awarding the best performance of the night with a Majestic merchandise package! Karaoke nights are always FREE, but we ask that you consider buying concessions…
Join us for our annual Pumpkin Patch Saturday, October 26, from 10 a.m. to noon! At the North Entrance at Gunnison Valley Health. Join us for games, pick a pumpkin, tour an ambulance, visit the friendly burro buddy, enjoy yummy treats and much more! Costumes are encouraged!
Volunteers will spend time building rock structures to improve critical habitat for the Gunnison Sage-Grouse. We will use innovative, yet simple, restoration methods-small rock structures to raise the water table to support plants and insects needed by wildlife.
Ales for Trails is Gunnison Trails way of saying thanks for another great trail season. Thanks to our business partners and members whose sustaining financial support maintains YOUR local trails. Thanks to everyone who came out and got their hands dirty during the trail building season. And thanks to all those who took the time…
Trail work is brought to you by our friends at the Crested Butte Land Trust, working to protect and steward open lands in Gunnison County for over 30 years. We hope you can join us this coming Tuesday, 9/19, from 3-7pm to continue the momentum on this monstrous build (the purple trail in the map…