Vinotok’s first All Cast Volunteer Meeting the first official Vinotok gathering of volunteers and invites people who wish to be in the Vinotok Theatre Troupe. Roles include Maiden, Torchbearer, Flagbearer, Mood Maker, Forest Creature, Harvest Mother celebrant, or other cast member. We also need musicians (drummers, flutists, trumpeters), Fire Performance Artists, and people who feel…
This Thursday (Aug 10th)! Live music comes back to Double Shot! @sierrajoymusic Come down and get your groove on 5-8PM. For River Glenn by Sierra Joy
Join us on Wednesday, September 6 from 2-5 pm for September’s gathering of the hiking book club. We will meet at the Crested Butte Library and then travel to and hike the Rustler’s Gulch trail. Read & discuss: “Gilded Mountain: A Novel” by Kate Manning. About the book: In the early 1900s, Sylvie Pelletier leaves…
Join the Gunnison County Library on Thursday, August 29 at 6 pm at the Gunnison Library for an evening with local mushroom expert, Dr. Amy Honan. Dr. Honan will provide an introduction to mushroom identification of common local mushrooms. For more information contact Dr. Honan:
Join us for a community conversation — Opportunity, Community, and Health Equity Featured Speaker (pre-recorded): john a. powell We invite you to join us in watching and discussing a pre-recorded talk by john a. powell about structural racialization and the concept of “targeted universalism”. john a. powell (who spells his name in lowercase in the…
The Sunni Gunni Costume Float & River Celebration is a community celebration of the Gunnison River through art, recreation, education and self-expression. It is also an outreach event for all types of river users to spread awareness of how to “Be a River Hero” through river safety, water conservation, river etiquette and stewardship. JOIN US!…
Please join us on Saturday, August 12 from 2-4 pm at the Crested Butte Library for a Bubble Bonanza! Let’s send summer out with a bang! Come celebrate with good old fashioned summer fun, from water balloons to a slip-n’-slide. Snacks provided, swimsuits recommended. This event is free and open to the public.
Please join us on Saturday, August 12 from 2-4 pm at the Crested Butte Library for a Bubble Bonanza! Let’s send summer out with a bang! Come celebrate with good old fashioned summer fun, from water balloons to a slip-n’-slide. Snacks provided, swimsuits recommended. This event is free and open to the public.
Join us NEXT Friday, August 4th, from 4-8pm for First Friday Art Walk Galleries, Music, Jewelry, & 3D Printing…there’s something for everyone! Admission is FREE! Cocktails & complimentary snacks will be available. Live music is provided by Julian Young on Piano and Voice! @julianyoungsings
Many people know Disney’s version of Beauty and the Beast, but how well do you know the original version? Firebird Theatre proudly presents Beauty and the Beast, adapted by Annie Flora from the 1756 version by Jeanne-Marie de Beaumont! Performed at The Majestic Theatre by a talented group of Crested Butte teen actors, this wild,…